Traveling in the Time of COVID

In May 2020, when the pandemic was in full force, I traveled to Seattle to pick up a car that we left at the airport parking lot. The rush to get my child home from college due to the campus closing required me to make some quick decisions. Decisions that were getting to be pretty costly a few months later.

The airport was a ghost town, with just a few people rolling their bags across the tiled floors. Fast food stalls closed. The small stores showing their last minute gifts through their pulled down metal gates.

In the airplane, the 6′ rule was already in place so the airplane was so spacious! My seat was completely separated from the other passengers. It was FANTASTIC. I have never felt so safe on an airplane. The flight was comfortable, I had ample space to spread out and relax. The airline gave each passenger a handful of alcohol wipes. I was happy to be able to wipe down my seating area for peace of mind.

Everyone was wearing a mask. Of course, there was that ONE family. The family who has kids that don’t seem to ever calm down. These kids were making the best of the empty seats, jumping from seat to seat and row to row. They also insisted on taking off their masks constantly throughout the flight. Luckily, they were pretty far away. But since there was hardly anyone else on the flight, they were quite a distraction for the few that were in the cabin.

Overall, it was a terrific flight. I had the best sleep that I ever had on an airplane and got off feeling refreshed. There are definite perks to wearing a mask aside from being safe. My throat wasn’t dry and my lips weren’t chapped!

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