Arghhh! Where to start?!!?

WHERE do I start?

WHAT do I do first?

HOW do I get my site running?

This is where I was a few weeks ago.

I decided to jump in head first and just see where this takes me. Jumping in head first could lead to huge concussion, but I told myself “what the heck, gotta start somewhere!” Three questions? I can do it. No problem. If I can answer those three questions, I can get my blog up and running. No sweat. Who said this was gonna be hard?

Okay – Question one – Where to start? The internet of course! Duh.

So, after reading tons and tons of websites and trying to make heads or tails of what I was reading. I concluded that what I needed to do first was to get a hosting company for ‘my site’. There are a ton of them out there: BlueHost, GoDaddy, HostGator, FatCow (Love that name!).  I read some reviews on each of the companies, then closed my eyes and put my finger on the screen and choose one. The company was having some type of ‘hosting deal’, so I said “what the heck” and did the unthinkable and clicked ‘accept’.

As soon as I finished putting in and submitting my credit card information, I immediately regretted it. I didn’t think this through, did I? Now what? So I have a place to host “my site”. What now? Let’s go back to the beginning of this post…

WHERE do I start?  (Check!)

WHAT do I do first?  (Check!)

HOW do I get my site running?

So – I figured I was doing good. I had two of my three items already checked off. So easy. I was on a roll. No stopping me now. Until I hit #3.

HOW do I get my site running?

Huh. That was a pretty good question. I realized with that one question, my list of questions grew quickly…

  • What was the name of ‘my site’?
  • How do I get a name?
  • What was it going to be about?
  • How do I build this site?
  • Will people come to visit my site?

So, my list of three (oh so easy) questions sprouted more and more questions.

A week later, here I am, still trying. I have a couple more questions checked off, but also added a few new ones.

Alright, I admit, I didn’t suspect that it would be this difficult. I keep telling myself – “Don’t give up, keep trying…”

Please forgive me if my blog is terrible. I’m working on it, I promise.


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