Eyebrow Tinting – Does It Work?

I come across new things (or at least new to me) everyday. One thing that I came across that I found interesting was…eyebrow tinting.

Read all the ads and it seemed easy enough to do.  It would definitely save me a lot of time not having to draw in my eyebrows every morning. So, I thought – Why not?

I can do this!

Let me tell you my story about eyebrow tinting.

It all started while I was perusing Amazon, as I normally do almost every morning (don’t tell my husband that I am shopping every morning) and I came across a product for “Eyebrow Tinting”. Now, if you are an avid online shopper, you know to ALWAYS check the reviews and make sure that what you are buying is a reputable product.  Reviews like – “This gave me so much extra time” and “It lasted for 5 days” really hooked me and I firmly believed that this was the product for me. I went ahead and clicked “Add to Cart”, purchased it and waited anxiously for the kit to arrive.

Once it showed up on my doorstep, I unpacked the kit, read the instructions and began. Put on a nice layer of the tint on what I felt was one of the nicest drawings of my eyebrows I had done in quite some time. (Can’t chance errors if this was going to stay on for a few days.) After 10 minutes, I cleaned off the tint and saw practically no change. I may have had a small hint of color – almost like a 5 o’clock shadow on my eyebrows. But not much else.

Oh well. I guess it didn’t work.

So after a few hours passed, I noticed that upon further review, it seemed to look a little darker than I thought. Dark enough that maybe I could get away without drawing my eyebrows the next morning. Good enough for me!  I chalked that up as a win! It worked!

I went to bed and had a great night of sleep and dreamt of the morning when I would have those 10 extra minutes where I would’t be trying to get my eyebrows to be uniform in shape and size. Ahh, those extra minutes would be like a vacation. Should I make myself a nice breakfast for once? Sit down and maybe have my coffee in a mug instead of my travel cup? The possibilities were endless!

Morning came and I staggered into the bathroom, which was still dark due to the early hour. Grabbed my toothbrush and placed a dollop of toothpaste all with my eyes still closed and proceeded to start brushing my teeth. Now I don’t know about you, but I am usually a multi-tasker when it comes to getting ready in the morning. In the time that I brush my teeth, I can brush my hair, pick out an outfit, turn on the morning news and get the low-down on the traffic for the day. I need every second I can get so I have enough time to draw those pesky eyebrows that normally take so long the morning.

Wait a second…My eyebrows are tinted – I have extra time this morning!

So, instead of my normal rush between my bedroom, closet and bathroom sink – I sat on the edge of my bed and actually watched the news while I brushed my teeth. I was thoroughly enjoying this extra time. Having an extra 10 minutes allowed me to catch up on the news of the world and I felt that I STILL would still have some extra time.

Alright, that was long enough – had to get moving. Flicked on the lights at this point – I still had other things to do to my face, (I do have a skin care routine – you know) so need light for that. I spat out my toothpaste and splashed water on my face. Hmmm. Something seemed a little off. Continued on to rub my skin with a washcloth and turned around to pat my now dripping, wet face on my towel. Swirled around with a big smile so I could reveal my beautifully tinted and completed eyebrows in the mirror.


Alright. You think I’m exaggerating. No, I really did scream. My beautiful arched, and tinted eyebrows were now RED, slightly SWOLLEN, and VERY DRY almost to the point of being SCALY! I was literally in tears. I couldn’t believe it! What had happened from the time I saw my eyebrows last night to this morning???

In my moment of total panic and complete anxiety, my husband groggily asks…”Wow – that looks pretty bad. Did you read the instructions?”

Really? That’s all you can say? Of course I read the instructions!  Anyway….gotta love my husband, Captain Obvious, especially when you’re stressed out.

Well, long story short – I called in sick that day. There was no way I was going to go outside with my now bubbled, red, scaly – eyebrows. Apparently, my skin is a lot more sensitive than these other women who wrote those reviews.

Did it last 5 days? Longer. Took me a good week and half for it to go away. Did I get free time from it? Yes, cause I couldn’t put any makeup on it anyway – so I spent that day and the whole weekend without eyebrows. So, I guess the reviews were right.

Maybe eyebrow tints were not meant for older women with very sensitive skin. Have any of you ever used an eyebrow tint that really worked?


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