What is Pinterest and how and why would you use it?

I am not a very saavy social media user. An old friend urged me to make a facebook page many years ago. She was attempting to set up a reunion and was able to reach a lot of friends that way and found that I didn’t have one. I admit – I used facebook to get updates on the reunion and I haven’t really touched it ever since. I like the idea of Instagram. Sharing interesting photos is an easy concept for me to grab, so I am also trying to learn that as well.


This is another one that I am trying to learn. I started noticing these little “P”s everywhere!  So, I finally went in to see what it was all about. Upon making my account, I started looking at these images and got totally lost in time. I honestly must have spent a few hours (yikes!) scrolling through these images! So I decided to try to learn how to use this app properly. Now, keep in mind – I am still learning. I started this several times – pinned a whole bunch of things that I found interesting and then found out that I needed to have some type of order to my pinning. Is that right? I started my research and this is what I found:

Create Pins and Boards

What the heck is a pin and a board you ask? Yep – I asked that too! In an old school world (my world), think of it as that shoebox you had in your closet that had all those images or magazine clippings of your favorite celebrity, or favorite drink recipe. Each of those images or recipes would be considered a “pin” and how you sort them would be a “board”. Except its now all online. Your husband will no longer get into the closet and throw away that “box of what he considered old junk” – cause its all on Pinterest! Yay! Do you know how many of my most cherished clippings and important findings went lost due to moments like that? No more!

Sorry, I digress. Let’s get back to this.

These “pins” can be anything. It can images, webpages, YouTube videos, anything that you wanted to keep to be able to look at later. Just find that little Pinterest logo and click on it and it will be saved to your account.

Apparently, there are so many things to do with these boards like making a “Mood Board”? Now that is a bit beyond my level of comfort yet. I am going to keep plugging away at it. I still don’t really know what I am doing, but its pretty interesting. There are so many cool things that people are posting. I am enjoying my learning process and if anyone can offer tips on Pinterest, I would really love to learn more.

Happy pinning!

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